KonMari Categories

It turns out, in practice, the "4 categories" of Marie Kondo are a bit simplistic.


She has a category, Miscellaneous, and, well, at least for me, this was actually the bulk of my stuff.

So, here for your organizing enjoyment, are all the miscellaneous categories I ended up with. I sorted through each of these separately.

Not in any particular order listed as I just kept a note. ==> Let me know if I forgot anything.

Now I understand why this took a while....


Papers and documents - taxes, contracts, medical records, old x-rays, rental agreements from college, insurance cards, receipts, articles

Pictures, Painting, Posters

Baby clothing, shoes, and cloth diapers, blankets

Cleaning supplies - Kitchen and bathroom

Food, including the pantry and the freezer

Plants, indoor and outdoor what is in pots

Camping gear - include suitcases and travel bags

Music - CDs, records, that old Sony player, tapes

Videos - VHS tapes and DVD

Holiday items (all holidays)

Music - Sheet music, instructional videos, books, binders with scores

Music - Musical instruments, recording supplies, gear and cables

Garden stuff - pots, sprinkler supplies, tools, scraps of shade cloth

Tools - hand and power. How many drill bits spark joy? (Turns out: all of them)

Motorcycle stuff - gear, parts, tools, supplies, clothing

Kitchen - dishes, pots and pans, cutlery and silverware, machinery, cookbooks and recipe boxes

Games - board games, puzzles

Sporting goods - Martial arts gear, sporty toys, balls, juggling balls, weights, exercise equipment

Art supplies - acrylic paint does expire

Stationary - binders, papers, old glue, pens and pencils, envelopes, cards

Crafting supplies - glue gun, pompoms, ribbons, gift wrap

Plants - indoor and outdoor if it's in a pot

Medical supplies - braces, pills, creams, and that box with the good drugs

Cosmetics and beauty items - brushes, clippers, grooming tools

Jewelry - earrings, necklaces, temporary tattoos

Computer hardware- cables, extra mice, adapters, old memory cards

Computer software - CDs, boxes, how-to books and strategy guides

Apps and Bookmarks - on the computer and on the phone

Old journals, letters

Knickknack - Anything not covered by other categories

Furniture - especially "just because I needed another shelf", curtains, lamps

Pet supplies - if you have a lot of pets, includes pets like worms and cricket farm, and the fish that don't stop breeding

Cloud storage - if you are out of space or can't find stuff anymore

Containers - baskets, boxes, tubs

Vehicles - Bicycles, cars, skateboards, boats, roller skates, ice skates

Collections - cards. stamps, memorabilia, pins


Jackets, coats, windbreakers

Shoes, including slippers

Winter clothing, including ski clothing

Sports clothing, including swimsuits


Text books

Books I wrote or co-wrote, including old reference manuals

Kindle / electronic reader samples and wishlist

Sentimental Items

Photos and Photo albums

Dolls and doll clothing

History of my life items, since birth

Books I've had since I was a kid

Children's life items (minus clothing and toys, books)

Art - What do you care to keep?

Everything I ever wrote...

Secret boxes full of old memories

Journals - I don't want anyone to read them after I die

Binders of course materials and old letters