A series of (un)fortunate events
A Series of Fortunate Events - August 28, 2017
On my way out from Bethel Island to see my builder and then ride to work…
Unfortunately, when I parked at the construction headquarters, the key must have stuck and the lights stayed on.
Fortunately, I received some good news!
Unfortunately, when I was going to leave 45 minutes later, the battery was dead.
Fortunately, I was not out in nowhere but in a safe driveway with an air-conditioned trailer and water…
Unfortunately, no long jumper cables around…
Fortunately, I have a AAA membership…
Unfortunately, AAA was experiencing very unusual volumes of calls, and it would be at least 10 minutes before I could even speak to someone…
Fortunately, Larry from Reclamation showed up…
Unfortunately, his fancy environmental truck doesn’t have a battery anywhere expected…
Fortunately, we found an old battery charger in a corner…
Unfortunately, it was broken…
Fortunately, there is a hardware store nearby and Millie gave me a ride and I got jumper cables and we hooked up her car…
Unfortunately, that blew a fuse (best guess)…
Fortunately, I have a toolkit so I could take the seat off and access battery directly…
Unfortunately, somehow the one hex key I needed was missing…
Fortunately, the hardware store had what I needed, I was able to open the bike and hook up the cables and start the bike and start riding home.
Unfortunately, by that time I was quite dehydrated because it was like 106, and I needed gas.
Fortunately, there was a 7/11, so I stopped after 45 minutes.
Unfortunately, after I filled the tank, the bike didn’t start.
Fortunately, I could walk to the 7/11 and get a something to drink, wet my shirt, and as I was fishing for my wallet in my bike bag, the guy next to me said, “I’ll get that”, and paid for my Gatorade.
Unfortunately, they bike still didn’t start.
Fortunately, and then I tried one more time, as gently as I could, and it started.
Unfortunately, by now I had missed my meetings.
Fortunately, I am home safe.
And this doesn’t even include yesterday’s story of the feathery encounter between my dog and the neighbors’ chickens (who fortunately were all fine this morning).
(Picture is from a very hot day at the Little 99 track for Cornering School Day 4, and I am riding John’s bike because mine broke down the day before.)